10/11/2024 Arcadia Update

Hello, Arcadia community!

Here are the topics for this update–it’s a big one:

  1. Social Contract Refresher

  2. Gaga Ball

  3. Gertens Fundraiser 

  4. School Photos Coming Up October 28, 29, and 30

  5. New Computer Procedures and Chromebooks

  6. Homework Help Reminder

  7. College Essay Writing Tutors

  8. Bookmobile Visit

  9. Communication During the School Day

  10. Upcoming Events

  11. Useful Links

I’m going to open with the social contract, just to remind everyone what we’ve agreed to:

  • I will show respect to others by creating a friendly, supportive environment that is safe for me and others to express ourselves.

  • I will guide my fellow Arcadians by being kind, patient, inclusive, equitable, and by offering help when needed.

  • I will keep an open mind and be flexible, handling disputes calmly and in a civil manner.

  • I will promote and maintain a quiet, clean, friendly and welcoming environment, and treat the school and its materials well.

  • I will follow Clause 23 of Magna Carta: No town or person shall be forced to build bridges over rivers except those with an ancient obligation to do so. 

**Note: No malicious use of spellcasting on school grounds. Spellcasting must be performed for good causes.

For the most part, we are doing an excellent job! I haven’t seen any malicious spells cast.  Thank you to all of the students for upholding the contract!

Gaga Ball is back!

Eli and Ayansh led a successful bake sale fundraiser (raising $537!) and negotiated with Tractor Supply Company (bringing the cost from over $900 down to $646) to purchase stall mats to put under the gaga ball pit, which will now enjoy a new, more permanent home in the back corner of the field! Thank you to their parents, Jim and Kishor, who helped move and set up the mats, and the Facilities Committee, especially Hudson, who helped with the layout and cutting the mats. This is a great example of the types of projects that fundraising dollars support, and lots of community collaboration. Thank you also to Bel, Teagan, Ava, and all of the students who helped put the pit back up on the new mats!

Gertens Fundraiser–ten more days!

Don’t forget about the Gertens Fundraiser! The funds raised in the winter and spring Gertens fundraisers go toward student experiences. (Usually, we combine it with the ThanksGive money to pay for things like May Term and field trip tickets and transportation, instead of passing along the whole cost to families. A portion will also go toward the remaining cost of the mats for the gaga ball pit.)

To access the site and place an order:

  1. Go to www.gertensfundraising.com

  2. Enter the Store ID code provided into the text field and click ‘Enter ID to Continue’.

Store ID code for Arcadia Charter School: 43

Our site opened September 23rd, and closes at 10 PM on Thursday, October 24. Gertens will not accept any late orders past the deadline.

Children’s Theater Company and Minneapolis Institute of Arts Field Trip on Thursday, October 24

The whole school is heading up to the CTC and MIA on Thursday, October 24th! This is the curriculum for the day, so students are all expected to attend. If the cost is a concern ($20), it is really, really okay! We want everyone to go! Here is a link to the waiver for parents to fill out: 


School Photos Coming Up October 28, 29, and 30

We are lucky to have Kent McInnis taking our school photos again this year! The following is a message from Kent about the photos:

Many of you know me already, but for those who don't, my name is Kent McInnis. I am a part-time para at Arcadia, and a full-time photographer here in Northfield. 

School photos will be occurring the last week of October, Monday-Wednesday (October 28, 29, and 30). While we could likely get them all done in one day, I prefer to spread them out so that the process doesn't feel so rushed for the kids. Hopefully, this relaxed timeframe will give the kids a chance to review their photos in real time, and retake them if they aren't happy with what they see.

Here is the plan regarding which students/classes will take their photos on which days.

10/28: Blue Advisory

10/29: Red Advisory, and Purple Advisory–students whose first names start with A-J

10/30: Green Advisory, and Purple Advisory–students whose first names start with K-Z


If there is a day that would not work for your child, please let us know so we can be sure to fit your child(ren) into the shoot schedule on a day that works. 

Email Kent with questions! Kent McInnis: kmcinnis@arcadiacharterschool.org

New Computer Procedures and Chromebooks

To fully comply with legal changes, we are slowly pushing into a model where students are obligated to use school devices in addition to not having phones in school. While there are definitely advantages to this model from an “eliminating distractions” standpoint for some students, and from an online security standpoint for all students, we are also aware that many students were already using their devices responsibly and appropriately. 

I want to acknowledge those students who have been doing a great job with their personal devices. Thank you for being trustworthy and reliable! I know this is a frustrating push that feels unnecessary for many of you.

Here is a link to the lengthy board policy that addresses the related issues: 524.2 INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE AND SAFETY POLICY 04.16.2024

State and federal law require that we do our best to protect students when using the internet at school or for school purposes, which is what you see coming through in the policy, and why we are making these changes. We are trying to roll the changes out in a way that gives students a chance to adapt. 

There are also practical reasons that we waited until now: we needed to have enough functional Chromebooks! We have 65 new Chromebooks that have been distributed to students to facilitate this shift toward using exclusively school devices at school. Every student will now have access to a school Chromebook. Students, please take good care of the Chromebooks! They are very valuable tools for us to use. 

The only exception to the rule of using school devices instead of personal devices is for students taking PSEO classes, who may need a personal device to be able to access all of their materials for their college classes.

Though every student will have a device available and assigned to them to use at school, we are not intending to send these devices home. There are some exceptions for students on an IEP, or any student on Asynchronous (online school) Days. However, sending devices home adds a greater liability for families and the school of the devices being damaged, and we are hoping to avoid that. Each device cost $335, and that would be the replacement cost if it is damaged. 

If a device is going home, the student and parent will need to sign an additional agreement acknowledging the risks and the responsibility for the replacement cost.

The intent is to shift to using school devices only (at school) after Fall Break, on October 21st. 

Homework Help

Just a reminder, we have Homework Help available on Mondays, Tuesday, and Thursdays after school from 2:45-3:45pm. It is open to all students!

College Essay Writing Tutors

We are working with the St. Olaf Writing Center to offer writing support for students’ college applications!

Students can register for a virtual essay writing appointment here.

Bookmobile Visit–today!

Arcadia and the Northfield Public Library are working on a few different collaborations, and one of them is regular visits from the Bookmobile! Today will be the first day. The Bookmobile will be at Arcadia from 11:45am-12:45pm. This is a good opportunity to see what it’s all about. 

Students will need library cards to be able to check books out from the Bookmobile.

Get a library card here: https://mynpl.org/apply

Communicating During the School Day

I’ve had a few questions about communicating with the school during the day when a student’s plan changes (for example, something comes up where a student needs to be picked up early or needs to take/not take the bus). Emailing an advisor is usually the best way to reach us, since almost all of us are in the classroom throughout the day. However, we can also be reached by phone. Here is more information:

The front desk is staffed from 7:45am-10:45am and again at the end of the day from 1:35pm-2:42pm. At those times, you can call the main school number: 507-663-8806. 

If you don’t reach anyone, or it is another time, you can try the school’s admin phone at 507-581-3090 to reach an admin team member.

If you need the Health Office, the Health Office phone can be reached at 507-581-7871.

Students are allowed to use the phone up by the front entrance to contact home if needed.

Reminder from MDE: Free College and Financial Aid Sessions Available to Minnesota Students

Note: There are two sessions left, one on October 15, and a second on October 22.

To support local high schools with their college application and financial aid efforts, the Ready, Set, FAFSA series will again be offered to students and families this fall. Running Tuesday evenings October 1-22, four Zoom sessions will cover the college application process, general financial aid information, details on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the Minnesota Dream Act for undocumented students, and other ways to pay for college. All sessions will have simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, Somali, and Hmong. Financial aid experts from local colleges will be available during the events to conduct the Q and A in the chat. Students who attend are eligible to win a $1,000 scholarship.

Registration is open now for families. A promotional toolkit is available to schools with newsletter content and graphics. Please contact Beth Barsness for further information.

Upcoming Events

10/15, 6:30pm: Arcadia School Board Meeting (in person and online)

Meet link: https://meet.google.com/vat-dnbg-iwm

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 413-679-2819‬ PIN: ‪846 749 815‬#

10/17-10/18: Fall Break (no school)

10/21, 4:30: Arcadia Policy Committee Meeting

Meet link: https://meet.google.com/qrx-uoau-vqs

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 812-777-8393‬ PIN: ‪462 247 632‬#

10/23: PSAT at Northfield High School; MN Secretary of State Steve Simon visits Arcadia

10/24: All School Field Trip: Drawing Lessons at the Children’s Theater Company and Minneapolis Institute of Art

10/28-10/30: School Photos

11/1: No School

11/4: Asynchronous Day (Asynchronous online school day–all students will need a device! Please let us know if your child will need to check one out from school or if you need help with internet access.)

11/5: Election Day

11/8: End of Quarter 1

Useful Links

JMC: https://arcadiacharterschool.onlinejmc.com/

Student Absence Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHezGJZt2puCBR6A12LCVWoL49XNenx7DwZjlZ2iRe48rraw/viewform

Calendar: https://arcadiacharterschool.org/calendars

Online payments: https://arcadiacharterschool.org/online-payments

Arcadia Charter School prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator, Nikki McCane. The notice of nondiscrimination is located at www.arcadiacharterschool.org, or view the school’s policy at this link: 522 TITLE IX SEX NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY, GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE AND PROCESS.docx.
