Arcadia This Week 12/7/2023
Hello, Arcadia families, students, and friends!
Today’s newsletter includes:
Give to the Max and ThanksGIVE thank you!
Student-Written/Directed Play: A Ghastly Ghoulish Night, by Isaac Hunter
New Sports Club
Washington D.C./Gettysburg Trip, Canceled
COVID Reminders
Upcoming Events
Midterm Grades
Midterm grades will be published on Friday at 9am! However, your child’s grades are always available to look at through the JMC Family app. Let us know if you need help accessing JMC.
Cold Weather Clothes Required
We’re getting a little warm up today and tomorrow, but remember that we require a jacket/coat if the temperature is below 40 degrees–add hats, mittens, and boots when it gets colder and snowier. We don’t go outside if the “feels like” temperature is below zero.
In need of a coat? We are happy to connect you with a warm layer if you don’t have one! (Email Laura: The Community Action Center also gives vouchers for the Clothes Closet:
Give to the Max and ThanksGIVE thank you!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Give to the Max and ThanksGIVE fundraisers! We raised a total of $8550 between the two, which will go to support May Term, student projects, field trips, and other student learning opportunities!
Student-Written/Directed Play: A Ghastly Ghoulish Night, by Isaac Hunter
Coming next week to a Great Room at Arcadia…a student-written, student-directed, student-acted play: A Ghastly Ghoulish Night! Come be entertained by a cast of intrepid Arcadia students!
This production is a significant part of Isaac’s senior project. All are invited and encouraged to come support and enjoy! Show times are Thursday, 12/14 and Friday, 12/15 at 5:30pm, and Saturday, 12/16 at 11:30am. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students.
New Sports Club
Three of our 8th grade students proposed a new club and are working with our physical education teacher, Taylor, to make it happen! Here is a message from Taylor:
We will be doing an after school opportunity at the YMCA in Northfield for the following dates:
1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/14, 2/29, 3/14
A bus will pick up the students that want to attend the YMCA after school at 2:40 PM at Arcadia. The students will be there from 2:45-3:45 PM. Students will need to have their own transportation home from the YMCA. Please pick students up at 3:45 PM. There is a cost of 5 dollars for the student for each time they attend the YMCA. I will be attending the YMCA and supervising students as they explore different types of activities within the facility.
Let me (Taylor) know if you have any questions!
You can email Taylor at
Lunch Update
The lunch program is underway! If you would still like to purchase a punch card, or add punches to your child’s card, you can do so here: Lunch Punch Card Order Form
Students are able to purchase one lunch per day with their punch card. These are free for students who qualify for free and reduced lunch, and cost $3.25/meal for students who do not until we are able to join the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
One other food reminder: The shelf in the front entry still has food that is available to anyone who needs it! Feel free to take it. Though the door directly into the school is locked, the front door into the entryway is unlocked, so you could stop by anytime, even after school hours, to pick things up. The food is provided by a program through the Northfield ALC where students shop and fill bags to provide food for families.
Washington D.C./Gettysburg Trip, Canceled
We didn’t have quite enough people to make the trip go in June. There will be future domestic travel opportunities!
COVID Reminders
Day 0 = day of the positive test, stay home (note COVID on absence form)
Day 1-5 = stay home and isolated, do not attend school
Day 6-10 = if you feel better, return to school, but wear a mask
Day 11+ = no restrictions
We still have plenty of COVID tests and will continue to leave them in the front entryway for students to take, as needed. The original expiration dates have been extended through the end of this year, so you can ignore the expiration date on the box of the test. It’s still good.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our school nurse, Gail Setterstrom, at:
Upcoming Events
Dec. 12, 4:00pm: Facilities Committee meeting
Dec. 13, 3:00pm: Technology Committee meeting
Dec. 13, 4:00pm: Marketing Committee meeting
Dec. 14 (5:30pm), 15 (5:30pm), and 16 (11:30am): A Ghastly Ghoulish Night
Dec. 15, 4:00pm: Finance Committee meeting
Dec. 19, 6:30-8:30pm: Arcadia School Board Meeting, in person at Arcadia or view online:
Dec. 21-Jan. 1: Winter Break