Arcadia This Week 5/12/2021

Hello, Arcadia families,

Here is what’s happening at Arcadia this week! Make sure to check the announcements to help support student projects, get dates/times for travel meetings (for the Japan, Peru, and Washington DC/New York trips), and check out May Term information!

Monday, 5/10: Day 3

Tuesday, 5/11: Day 4

Wednesday, 5/12: Day 5--School Nurse Appreciation Day! Thank you to our school nurse, Sharon Miller, and health aide, Jennifer Koktavy!

Thursday, 5/13: Day 6

Friday, 5/14: Day 1--Asynchronous Day (all students online, no in-building work)

Model Update and Upcoming Schedule

Rice County COVID case rate numbers are still on the decline, down to 34.82/10,000 in a two-week period! The Pfizer vaccine could receive final approval today for use with 12-15 year old children, meaning the majority of Arcadia students would have access to it! No doubt we will receive more information about vaccination clinics for this age group to share with you soon.

May 14: Asynchronous Day (online school only, no in-building)

May 28: Last day of Fourth Quarter

June 1: First day of “May” Term

June 10: Last Day of School and Graduation! (Graduation will be held in the backyard at Arcadia the evening of June 10 for graduates and their families.)


General Announcements

From Davin (8th grade) for his MS community service project:

Hello, Arcadia Community!

As part of the middle school's 4th quarter project around community service, I am collecting items to put in care kits for people experiencing homelessness. We will deliver the finished kits to the Minnesota Department of Human Services. 

For the next few weeks, I'll be collecting donations of the following items for the care kits:

  • Socks 

  • Toothbrushes/paste

  • Reusable water bottles 

  • Lotion

  • Bandages

  • Wet wipes

  • Sunscreen

  • Small packaged foods like tuna, nuts, stuff like that 

There will be a bin in the school entry where you can leave donations for this community service project. I appreciate your help! 

From Willow and Lily: Bake Sale Fundraiser for the Community Garden May Term

Hello Arcadia families! There is an upcoming fundraiser to raise money for a community garden students will be building for May Term: an in-school bake sale for students to buy treats! Attached is the poster with information about the bake sale. If you have any questions you can email Willow Jo ( or Lily Picka (  

From Chris Sullivan Kelley for the Washington DC/New York trip:

Dear Arcadia Families,

I am extremely excited to present to you our 2022 trip to Washington, D.C. and New York City! I will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, May 20th at 6:00pm. 

In order to hear the information about the meeting you must RSVP to me at the link below.

This will help me out while setting up my virtual meeting and you will be eligible to earn $50 off the trip!

During our meeting I will go over all the trip details, such as everything we will be seeing and doing in Washington, D.C. and New York City, as well as the price of the trip. 

Want to find out more about the itinerary for the trip?  Click here.

Please use the link below to RSVP to my meeting and look forward to seeing you all there!

How to RSVP:


Chris Sullivan Kelley

Japan and Peru Travel Meeting, Tonight at 6:30pm!

Please click here to RSVP for the meeting We would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about these exciting opportunities!

You can also join this meeting directly: 

Japan 2022 and Peru 2023: Arcadia Travel Meeting

Wednesday, May 12 · 6:30 – 7:15pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 929-242-9768‬ PIN: ‪182 565 981‬#

If you would like more information before the meeting, or already know you want to travel, you can also visit the Tour Enrollment Page for each trip.



May Term Donations Welcome!

This year, instead of charging students for individual May Terms, we are asking families who are able to make a donation toward the cost of all May Term activities. Our suggested donation is $25/student. The goal is to ensure that all May Term activities are accessible to all students!

May Term sign up is out!

For those who are new to Arcadia, May Term is part of our academic year that feels pretty different from our regular school year quarters. You can pick one day-long class or two half-day classes, but that day-long class or your am/pm classes are the only ones you take during this time!

There are a wide range of possibilities, from The Art of Persuasion or baseball with our resident master of communications and physics teacher, Christopher, to Hiking and the Great Outdoors with leader of outdoor learning, Lori; learning about Government Service with experienced government servant, Kelly, to Community Gardening with greenhouse guru Tami; and plenty of theater and writing options with Bob, Scott, and Tammy...not to mention horses, psychology, healthy habits, Harry Potter, origami...there are options for everyone with all of your favorite people! 

The majority of classes are offered in-person, but there are online options available for those doing distance learning only.

Be sure to read the descriptions and note which courses are available for which grades and when they are offered. If you are super excited about something that isn't available for your grade, let us know; there may be opportunities! 

Registration forms are due by Wednesday at 4:00pm. Also, we place people in classes based on the order in which they sign up, so the sooner you sign up, the more likely you are to get what you want!

Read this first to learn what the options are:

May Term Course Descriptions

Open the 2021 May Term Registration Form next to sign up for your top three choices! 

Attendance Form

Please report attendance-related information (appointments, illness) through our website, even during distance learning! Go to “Current Families” and then “ Report an Absence.” You can fill out as much as is relevant. If your child is ill, please make sure to report symptoms, as we are required to track a lot of information on illness this year! If you’d rather just save a link to the form somewhere accessible to you, here is a link to the form.

Upcoming Events

May 14: Asynchronous Days (online school only, no in-building)

May 18, 6:30pm-8:30pm: Arcadia School Board Meeting (Online--Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 513-796-6467‬ PIN: ‪493 475 105‬#)

