Arcadia This Week 5/3/2021
Hello, Arcadia families,
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you to Arcadia’s amazing teachers for all of their hard work and care for our students!!!
Monday, 5/3: Day 4
Tuesday, 5/4: Day 5
Wednesday, 5/5: Day 6
Thursday, 5/6: Day 1
Friday, 5/7: Day 2--Asynchronous Day (all students online, no in-building work)
Model Update and Upcoming Schedule
Rice County COVID case rate numbers surprised us with a small decline, down to 48.51/10,000 in a two-week period! We had a few concerns last week, but those concerns are cleared up, and we are looking good! I do not anticipate that we will need to move to distance learning. Hooray!!!
May 7 and 14: Asynchronous Days (online school only, no in-building)
May 28: Last day of Fourth Quarter
June 1: First day of “May” Term
June 10: Last Day of School and Graduation! (Graduation will be held in the backyard at Arcadia the evening of June 10 for graduates and their families.)
General Announcements
MCA and ACCESS Testing
If your student needs to make up an MCA test, please contact our District Assessment Coordinator Kelly DeShane and/or Laura. A huge thank you to Kelly for all of the work that has gone into preparing us for testing this year! He had a LOT to figure out with changes to systems and new expectations due to COVID.
We have two tests left, both for 6th grade students.
5/3: 6th Grade Reading (8:30am-12:00pm)
5/4: 6th Grade Math (8:30am-11:00am)
Gertens Plant Pick up and Volunteer Opportunity
Thank you to those who have volunteered to help organize and distribute plants on Wednesday, May 5th! We still have space left for volunteers, if you’ve not yet signed up, but would like to help!
For those picking up plants, the plants will be available to pick up on 5/5 from 4:00pm-6:30pm. See you then!
Attendance Form
Please report attendance-related information (appointments, illness) through our website, even during distance learning! Go to “Current Families” and then “ Report an Absence.” You can fill out as much as is relevant. If your child is ill, please make sure to report symptoms, as we are required to track a lot of information on illness this year! If you’d rather just save a link to the form somewhere accessible to you, here is a link to the form.
Upcoming Events
May 3-7: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 5, 4:00pm-6:30pm: Gertens Spring Fundraiser Plant Delivery! Please pick up plants between 4:00pm-6:30pm.
May 7 and 14: Asynchronous Days (online school only, no in-building)
May 18, 6:30pm-8:30pm: Arcadia School Board Meeting (Online--Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 513-796-6467 PIN: 493 475 105#)