Curriculum Guide

2022-2023 Curriculum Guide

An updated Curriculum Guide will be posted in August 2024.

Arcadia Literacy Plan 2024-2025

To support every child reading at​ or above grade level every year, beginning in kindergarten, and to support multilingual​ learners and students receiving special education services in achieving their individualized​ reading goals in order to meet grade level proficiency, a school district or charter school must​ adopt a local literacy plan that describes how they are working to meet that goal. A district must update​ and submit the plan to the commissioner by June 15 each year Minn. Stat.120B.12, subd. 4a (2023).


District or Charter School Information

District or Charter School Name and Number: Arcadia Charter School

Date of Last Revision: 6/2024 


Minnesota READ Act Goal

The goal of the READ Act is to have every Minnesota child reading at or above grade level every year, beginning in kindergarten, and to support multilingual learners and students receiving special education services in achieving their individualized reading goals Minn. Stat. 120B.12 (2023).


District or Charter School Literacy Goal

All Arcadia students will graduate able to read for learning and understanding and write to effectively communicate their ideas.


Universal and Dyslexia Screening

Arcadia intends to adopt DIBELS Data System (DDS) with DIBELS 8th Edition to screen students in grades 6-8 for dyslexia or other reading challenges. 



Parent Notification and Involvement

Reading data will be shared and discussed at the three student/parent/teacher conferences throughout the year.




NOTE: For districts or charter schools that have grade levels with a low number of students, public reporting of summary data can result in identification of individual student data. As a standard practice when reporting public data, Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) will not report results if fewer than 10 students participated. In these cases, data may be combined from multiple grades or multiple testing windows to protect student privacy while also providing data for public awareness. In these circumstances, districts or charter schools can set their own minimum reporting number for the purposes of this Local Literacy Plan.


Due to the small size of the school, Arcadia is not reporting grade level data. 57.4% of students in grades 6-8 and 10 were proficient in reading based on the MCA in 2023. This was a drop from previous years that seems to reflect students' interrupted learning during the pandemic.



Core ELA Instruction and Curricula Grades 6-12


Implemented ELA Curricula

Description of
Curricula Use
(e.g. comprehension, vocabulary, writing)

Delivery Model
(e.g. class period length, block schedule, IB, AP)


Teacher designed; standards-based


50 minute class period with support during project work times


Teacher designed; standards-based


50 minute class period with support during project work times


Teacher designed; standards-based


50 minute class period with support during project work times


Teacher designed; standards-based


50 minute class period with support during project work times


Teacher designed; standards-based


50 minute class period with support during project work times


Teacher designed; standards-based


50 minute class period with support during project work times


Teacher designed; standards-based


50 minute class period with support during project work times



Professional Development Plan 

Arcadia teachers will complete the CAREIALL training, with five special education teachers and one literacy specialist/curriculum lead completing it during the 2024-2025 school year in conjunction with Prairie Creek. All Arcadia teachers responsible for literacy development will complete a structured literacy training by 2027, based on the State's recommendations for secondary educators.



Phase 2:
Educator Role

Total Number
in District or Charter Organization

who have completed Training

with Training
in Progress

Educators who need Training

Grades 4-12 Classroom Educators responsible for reading instruction





Pre-K through 12 Educators who work with English learners (Licensed ELL teachers)





Grades K-Age 21 Educators who work with students who qualify for the graduation incentives program under section 124D.68





Grades 6-12 Instructional support staff who provide reading support





Grades 6-12 Curriculum Directors





Employees who select literacy instructional materials for Grades 6-12







Action Planning for Continuous Improvement

Arcadia will work with the District Advisory Committee and student input to develop a more comprehensive plan for the 2025-2026 school year. In the meantime, Arcadia will use MCA, MAP, and DIBELS data to monitor students' proficiency and progress in reading, along with their written work throughout their classes, to determine if a student needs additional literacy support. Classes with significant needs (more than 25% of the class requiring support) will be co-taught be a general and special education teacher.