Arcadia This Week 9/15/2019
Hello, Arcadia families,
We had another great week at Arcadia! I am continually grateful to be a part of this community.
Thank you to all who attended the Groundbreaking Celebration and Curriculum Night! Families, I hope you were able to talk to your child’s teachers and get a sense of what the day looks like! To the staff, thank you for staying late last Thursday to connect and share with your students’ families! To those who were unable to come, know that you are always welcome to come visit to learn more about your child’s school experience.
Here’s what’s up at Arcadia for the coming week:
Change to Chill Week: Lisa M. is leading this very cool initiative brought to us by a grant through Allina. Every day will have a mindfulness/stress relief-based theme. For more information, check out this website:
Monday, Sept. 16: Ace of Clubs, the Arcadia after-school tabletop gaming club (2:45-4:30pm)
Tuesday, Sept. 17: Laura is talking about Arcadia on KYMN at 7:20am
Tuesday, Sept. 17: Arcadia School Board Meeting, 6:30-8:30pm
Tuesday, Sept. 17/Thursday, Sept. 19: Homework Help starts (2:45-4:00pm)
Thursday, Sept. 19: Arcadia Information Night! Tell all of your friends, especially if they happen to be the parents of a 6th, 8th, or 11th grader who might do well at Arcadia, 6:30-8:00pm
Friday, Sept. 20: YMCA Arcadia Family Night and 6th Grade Mingle (at the Northfield YMCA)
Mission and Educational Programming Spotlight
Our mission statement is:
It is the mission of Arcadia Charter School to prepare our students to transition intellectually, emotionally, and ethically to higher education, future employment, and engaged citizenship.
Arcadia Charter School envisions a supportive learning community that, through collaboration and student-driven, project-based learning, encourages and assists students to:
Express themselves creatively through the visual, literary, and performing arts.
Use technology with innovation, imagination, and responsibility.
Develop critical thinking and creative problem solving skills.
Construct knowledge and meaning for themselves.
Value, advocate, and strive for the wellness of the whole person.
Be empowered to act as local citizens within a rapidly changing global community.
This week, I am combining the mission and educational programming spotlights, because I would like to talk about Development Designs, an approach with which all Arcadia teachers are familiar.
The Developmental Designs website states:
Because student success relies on a blend of good relationships, social skills, and engagement with learning, Developmental Designs comprehensive practices integrate social and academic learning. [...] Students learn best when school meets them where they are developmentally, and when they have regular opportunities to know each other, practice important social skills, and stay engaged in their learning.
Most Arcadia teachers attend training workshops to learn to use this approach--especially advisors, who build relationships and teach these skills in advisory every day. Using this approach helps us to fulfill our mission of preparing students to transition emotionally to adulthood. For more specific information about the Developmental Designs approach, you can check out their website: If you read the core practices of Development Designs described on this webpage, you will see familiar language and ideas directly reflected in Arcadia’s advisory approach!
Housekeeping Items
Don’t forget to order lunch for October! Here is the lunch order form, due Sept. 18th (Wednesday) along with payment:
We’re still looking for chaperones for the middle school trip to the Renaissance Festival
on Sept. 27th! If you had wanted to sign up, but the form claimed the spots were all taken, it’s fixed now, try again!
Upcoming Events
Sept. 17, 6:30-8:30pm, Arcadia School Board Meeting
Sept. 20, 7:00-9:00pm, YMCA Family and 6th Grade Mingle Night at the Northfield YMCA
Sept. 27, during the school day, Middle School trip to the Renaissance Festival