Arcadia This Week 4/5/2020

Hello, Arcadia Families,

Here’s what’s up at Arcadia for the coming week! 

Monday, Apr. 6: Day 4

Tuesday, Apr. 7: Day 5

Wednesday, Apr. 8: Day 6

Thursday, Apr. 9: Day 1

Friday, Apr. 10: Day 2

Mission Spotlight

It is the mission of Arcadia Charter School to prepare our students to transition intellectually, emotionally, and ethically to higher education, future employment, and engaged citizenship.

Arcadia Charter School envisions a supportive learning community that, through collaboration and student-driven, project-based learning, encourages and assists students to:

  • Express themselves creatively through the visual, literary, and performing arts.

  • Use technology with innovation, imagination, and responsibility.

  • Develop critical thinking and creative problem solving skills.

  • Construct knowledge and meaning for themselves.

  • Value, advocate, and strive for the wellness of the whole person.

  • Be empowered to act as local citizens within a rapidly changing global community.

Thank you, again, to everyone in the Arcadia community for being tuned in to all of the changes that are taking place, for your flexibility, for your patience, and for your kindness! 

I am looking forward to seeing all of us build on our work from week one as we move into week two! If you didn’t have a chance to read my email from last Friday, please take a minute to check it out. There are a lot of people to thank for the success of this transition--families, students, and staff have all worked together on this, and I appreciate all of you!

We are currently waiting to find out if we will genuinely be coming back to school on May 5th, or if the school building closures will extend to the end of the year. I will update you immediately if I receive any further information. It will likely be at least a week before that information would be available (I think they were waiting until at least April 10th to reassess the situation). 

In the meantime, we are doing more planning behind the scenes to prepare for the possibility of a longer closure.

We have an Innovation Day scheduled for April 29th, and that will still be an Innovation Day!

May Term is a central topic of discussion--whether or not we are back in school, social distancing restrictions will likely impact how we operate during May Term, and some of the May Term options might not be possible to run. We are discussing alternative plans.

A major concern, of course, is how we will send our seniors off in a way that feels true to an Arcadia graduation if we are not allowed to gather en masse. Seniors, you are an amazing class, and you deserve full recognition for all of the ways you have grown as people and contributed to Arcadia in your time at the school. I want you to know that this is a high priority for us, too, and your voice will be critical in helping us create a plan.


Gertens Fundraiser Still On!

The Gertens fundraiser has been extended! If you hadn’t had the chance to turn in the form/money, we now have until mid-April to turn in our orders! I am still getting a few details finalized (including a possible online payment system), so look for a separate email from me with more information. 

All Spring State Testing Cancelled

Due to the school buildings being closed and the shift to distance learning, we will not be administering the MCA or MTAS tests this year. 

Meals for Children: During the school building closures, meals will be available for pick up between 11:30am and 12:30pm at Greenvale Park Elementary School, Sibley Elementary, and Northfield High School. Families may use whichever location is most convenient for them.

Parents, please encourage your children to check their email regularly--that continues to be our primary mode of communication. Thank you!

Upcoming Events

Apr. 9, 4:00pm, Finance Committee Meeting (online, no representative at the school due to the pandemic)

To join the video meeting, click this link:

Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-796-6467 and enter this PIN: 493 475 105#

Apr. 15, Gertens Fundraiser Materials Due

Apr. 21, 6:30pm, Arcadia School Board Meeting (online, no representative at the school due to the pandemic)

To join the video meeting, click this link:

Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-796-6467 and enter this PIN: 493 475 105#

Again, stay tuned…we’re looking at adding virtual field trips and other events!

