Arcadia This Week 2/14/2021

Hello, Arcadia families,

Here is what’s up at Arcadia this coming week!

Monday, 2/15: No School (Teacher Prep Day)

Tuesday, 2/16: No School (Hybrid Planning Day)

Wednesday, 2/17: No School (Hybrid Planning Day)

Thursday, 2/18: Asynchronous Day

  • Parent, student, teacher conferences (sign up with your child’s advisor)

Friday, 2/19: Asynchronous Day

  • Parent, student, teacher conferences (sign up with your child’s advisor)


Schedule for Third Quarter

Rice County COVID numbers continue to decrease--we are down to 35.43/10,000 in a two week period. We are excited to welcome those students who have chosen the hybrid model back to the building! We will start with a HS week, February 22-25. More information will come out next week regarding details, like dropping students off and picking them up, as well as the expectations for being in the building. Everyone else, we will see you online, as usual! :)

February 15-17: No School--planning days for the shift to hybrid

February 18-19: Asynchronous Days; Spring Conferences

February 22-25: Hybrid Resumes--HS Week

February 26: Catch-up Day (all students; no forward movement in classes, teachers available to help students get caught up)

March 1-5: MS Week

March 8-11: HS Week 

March 12: Asynchronous Day AND Picture Day!

March 15-19: MS Week

March 19: End of Third Quarter


Mission Spotlight: Virtual High School Presentation Night

Project-based learning is a central part of Arcadia’s academic program, and students have been doing some great independent project work despite the challenges of COVID-19! Our students would typically present their project work to the broader community at a Presentation Day or Presentation Night event, giving them an authentic audience to whom to showcase their learning. This year, the high school students, led by Gráinne Beltramo-Dolan, put together an excellent Virtual Presentation Night! Check it out here:

Virtual High School Presentation Night



Sign up for Conferences, February 18-19!

May Term Washington D.C./New York Trip

Greetings Arcadia Families,

I plan to lead the Washington D.C.-New York City Trip during May Term this Spring.  What a spectacular way to finish a crazy year!

I have been waiting to contact you all until it became clearer that we would be able to go.  As of now, we think that it's highly likely that the trip will go forward.  I am really excited.

AND I would love to recruit YOU for the trip!  So, talk to your friends and family!  Click here for information about the cool tour we are going on if you want to drool.  

If you are interested,

Step #1 is to talk to your parents, confirm that you want to go, and then email me at

Step #2:  Come to an online meeting Thursday, Feb 18th at 6PM for current families and any new interested families to hear from our Educational Tours contact, Garrett, and get all your questions answered. We will have information about itinerary, safety and cost at that meeting.

So excited to think ahead to spring and this awesome trip.


Picture Day Rescheduled for March 12th

Sign up for an appointment time here: Picture Day Sign Up

Attendance Form

Please report attendance-related information (appointments, illness) through our website, even during distance learning! Go to “Current Families” and then “Report an Absence.” You can fill out as much as is relevant. If your child is ill, please make sure to report symptoms, as we are required to track a lot of information on illness this year! If you’d rather just save a link to the form somewhere accessible to you, here is a link to the form.

Upcoming Events

Feb. 16, 6:30-8:30pm: Arcadia Board meeting 


Or join by phone: (US) +1 513-796-6467‬ PIN: ‪493 475 105‬#)

Feb. 22: First day of hybrid, HS Week

March 12: Picture Day (Sign Up Form)

