Arcadia This Week 12/21/2020

Hello, everyone,

Here’s what’s up at Arcadia for the two days before our Winter Break!

Monday, 12/21: Day 5--Asynchronous Day

  • For the asynchronous day, just a reminder to students that each class will have a brief assignment that you need to complete to be counted as
    “present” for attendance.

  • For support, the paraprofessional staff will be available! Links to their meets are available at the bottom of the MS and HS schedules

Tuesday, 12/22: Day 6--Catch Up Day

  • All teachers available during class periods and by appointment; no new work assigned--use this day to complete any missing work before the break!

Wednesday, 12/23-Sunday, 1/3: Have a wonderful winter break!!

Current Schedule for December and January (through January 22nd)

December 21: Asynchronous Day

December 22: Catch Up Day

December 23-January 3: Winter Break

January 4-8: Distance learning

January 8: Asynchronous Day

January 11-22: Distance learning*

January 15: Asynchronous Day

*This is a change from last week. The Governor’s most recent order reiterated that secondary schools should follow the original guidelines and collaborate with their Regional Support Team--county and state public health officials who help advise schools in our region. The current case rate on the Rice County website is 102.94/10,000. We would need to be consistently below 30/10,000 in a two week period to return to hybrid, and below 10/10,000 to move to all face to face. 

We are unlikely to see our case rate drop below 30 in the coming weeks. We also don’t want to take planning days right at the end of the 2nd quarter, which would be disruptive to students’ learning. (Schools are allowed to take planning days between model shifts to make sure they are ready.) Therefore, we have decided to remain in the distance learning model until the end of 2nd quarter.

We are hopeful that we will start 3rd quarter back in the hybrid model!



Make the most of the catch-up day on 12/22!

We are hoping that this day will allow students the opportunity to touch base with teachers, get support, and dig out of any holes that may have formed in their progress in their classes. No new material will be introduced. Teachers will be following their usual Day 6 class schedule, so students, you can definitely find them during your regular class times. For classes you don’t have on even days, be sure to email your teacher and set up a time to talk if needed. Learning right now is hard, and we want to make sure you have support, and know how to access it. 

Attendance Form

Please report attendance-related information (appointments, illness) through our website, even during distance learning! Go to “Current Families” and then “ Report an Absence.” You can fill out as much as is relevant. If your child is ill, please make sure to report symptoms, as we are required to track a lot of information on illness this year! If you’d rather just save a link to the form somewhere accessible to you, here is a link to the form.


Upcoming Events

Dec. 21: Asynchronous Day

Dec. 22: Catch Up Day

Dec. 23: Winter Break Begins

Jan. 4-22: School resumes and continues in distance learning

Jan. 8 and Jan. 15: Asynchronous Days

Jan. 22: End of 2nd Quarter

