Arcadia This Week 11/14/2022
Hello, Arcadia families, students, and friends,
I’m back with an update on the first snowy day of the season!
Today’s newsletter will include:
Reminders (Lunch, Attendance, Conferences)
Upcoming Fundraisers (Give to the Max and Thanks-GIVE)
Japan Trip 2023
COVID-19 Update
Upcoming Events
Lunch: Please send silverware with your child if they are bringing their own lunch! We previously had plastic dinnerware available, but are no longer providing it due to cost and waste concerns.
Students ordering hot lunch receive silverware with their meal from the caterer.
Attendance: If your child will be absent, please fill out the absence form. This is available on Arcadia’s website under “Current Families,” then “Report an Absence.” If you’d like to bookmark the form directly, here is a link: Report an Absence Form
Sign Up for Conferences
Conferences are next week! Your advisor sent an email with a link to Sign Up Genius to choose a time to meet with them. You are also welcome to contact your child’s other teachers if you have any questions and would like to talk to them. Students are welcomed and encouraged to be at their conference to talk about their progress with their parents and advisor!
Upcoming Fundraisers
I will send a message with more details about why we need your financial help to support Arcadia! We have two upcoming fundraising events:
Give to the MAX Day–November 17, 2022
This statewide giving day invites Minnesota residents to support the organizations that they love with donations big and small. Give to the MAX takes a percentage, but they also do drawings for incentives like “Golden Tickets,” which can boost the organization’s overall fundraising total.
Here is a link to our page on the Give to the Max site:
Thanks-GIVE–December 2, 2022, 7:00pm at Arcadia (in the Great Room)
Thanks-GIVE was one of the school’s first fundraising initiatives. It was an annual tradition that is making a return after a two year hiatus. In addition to a variety of smaller acts by Arcadia students and staff, the four advisories compete for the Coveted Coconut Monkey trophy, which they win by getting the most fundraising dollars for their contribution to the show. Bring cash, write checks, send money through PayPal…we’ll take donations in any form! But you’ll probably want to have some cash on hand during the evening to contribute to the fun!
Japan Trip 2023
Japan is open for tourism! We were originally scheduled for a trip in June 2020, and after three cancellations, we think this will be the year! If you are interested in traveling with us, you can learn more about the trip here:
There is also an informational meeting this Thursday evening, November 17, 2022, at 6:30pm at Arcadia.
COVID-19 Update
Rice County’s COVID-19 Community level is currently low, and our current case rate is 73.16/100,000 in the one-week period ending Nov. 9th. We do still have a COVID-19 plan posted on our website. Here is a link.
Rice County Public Health is offering vaccination clinics on Thursday afternoons. Here is a link for more information:
In the event your child is ill, please consider testing them if they present with two or more symptoms of COVID-19. (Fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, nausea/vomiting, etc.) We have test kits available for at-home use if you need them.
If your child tests positive for COVID, please let Gail Setterstrom, our school nurse, know. You can email her at
Upcoming Events
Nov. 15, 6:30pm: Arcadia School Board Meeting (in person at Arcadia, but also available to view online:, or listen to via phone: (US) +1 650-466-6043 PIN: 232 545 378#)
Nov. 17: Give to the MAX Day,
Nov. 17, 6:30pm: Japan Trip Informational Meeting (at Arcadia)
Nov. 21-22: Fall Conferences
Nov. 23-25: Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 28: Gertens Fundraiser Plant Pickup (3:00pm-5:00pm)
Dec. 2, 7:00pm: Thanks-GIVE at Arcadia