12/23/2024 Arcadia Update

Hello, Arcadia families!

I hope you are all doing well and will have some time to rest and reconnect with each other over the break. I am sending one last update with just a few things as we head into January and 2025!

  1. Senior Project Request

  2. Tower Garden Grant

  3. 1:1 Tutoring Opportunity

  4. Chromebook Requests

  5. Drop Off/Pick Up Habits

  6. Upcoming Events

Senior Project: Community Feedback for a Website Update

Senior Elliot Fox-Deel is working hard with the Marketing Committee to get Arcadia’s materials (website, flyers, etc.) updated. He needs feedback from all of us in the Arcadia community to improve the website! 

Here is Elliot’s website survey: https://forms.gle/kt9DXBtPXgwoxbkaA

It’s not long, and your feedback would be very helpful. If you have a minute to fill this out over the break, we would appreciate it!

If you have a testimonial that you would like to add–especially if you know any alums who might be willing to give us one, here is a link he created for that, too! https://forms.gle/Tx4HmrmpsqmaEitBA

Tower Garden Grant–Exciting News!

A message from Tammy:

We just got notification that our application for $1250 from the Northfield YouthBank was approved. We are planning to purchase a Tower Garden and accessories so that we can grow, inside, some greens and herbs for student consumption. These [grants] are supposed to be student led, so they brainstormed ideas and helped write the application. Last week they were interviewed by board members of the YouthBank. These middle schoolers have some big ideas and are excited about being responsible for something. Alex Halverson is my TA for MS Greenhouse and is going to take this on as his 3rd quarter project, along with the MS Greenhouse class.

Congratulations to Tammy, Alex, and the MS Greenhouse group!

1:1 Tutoring Available through Carleton!

Here is the Google form for students/parents to sign up (it will reopen on Jan. 6):


Chromebook Requests

This fall, the Tech Committee and staff worked together to request 65 new Chromebooks to ensure that every student would have an updated, usable device here at school. In addition to a previous large Chromebook purchase, we now have enough for every student. However, we are NOT a 1:1 device school. These were purchased for use at school, as we don’t have the technology staff or funding to manage a larger program where devices would go home with students.

That said, we realize there are times when students may need access at home for a specific reason. We have decided to maintain a small number of Chromebooks for this purpose. Since families would need to supervise students’ use, we want any requests to come from parents/guardians. (Students would need to have their parent/guardian fill out the request.) Here is the form:

Chromebook Check Out Form

Please note, this is meant to be a short term loan. (Up to one week.) The Chromebook should not be borrowed beyond the length of time it is needed to complete the project or other work for which it was borrowed. Any repair/replacement needs due to a student’s use of a Chromebook would be the responsibility of the family at the school’s discretion. 

Drop Off/Pick Up–Loading Zone Only!!

Hello, everyone! I am going to keep pushing on this, because it greatly affects the flow of traffic in front of the building and the safety of our students. I am hoping we can make this a good habit in the new year, when we come back from break.

Do not stop in front of the door. Even if it’s not a regular pick up/drop off time.

If you are dropping off late, you still need to go to the end of the sidewalk. Please do not drop off in the middle of the drive.

If it’s later (like an after school activity) and you might be waiting for a bit for someone to come out, you can pull into a parking spot. Please do not wait in the middle of the drive.

Thank you!

Upcoming Events

January 2, 7:50am: School reopens

January 6, 5:00pm: Marketing Committee Meeting

January 13, 4:30pm: Arcadia Policy Committee Meeting

January 13, 6:30pm: Arcadia Authorizer Presentation to the Northfield School Board (at the Northfield Public Schools District Office)

January 16, 6:30pm: Information Night (at Arcadia)

January 21 6:30pm: Arcadia School Board Meeting

January 23, 6:30pm: Arcadia Presentation Night (at Arcadia)

January 27, 4:30pm: Arcadia Policy Committee Meeting

January 30, 6:30pm: Arcadia 5th Grade Information Night (at Arcadia)

January 31, 7:45am-3:00pm: Arcadia Authorizer Visit (at Arcadia)

Arcadia Charter School prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator, Nikki McCane. The notice of nondiscrimination is located at www.arcadiacharterschool.org, or view the school’s policy at this link: 522 TITLE IX SEX NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY, GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE AND PROCESS.docx.


Have a warm, wonderful winter break!
